Yoga in Person Class Information

Here is some information about the classes that you might find helpful:

Regular weekly classes are held at the Reading Room on Cobham Road, Fetcham KT22 9RU. 

The Tuesday 7.30pm class and the Thursday class are general mixed-ability classes, the Wednesday 6-7.15pm class is a more gentle class that is suitable for beginners and the Tuesday 6.00-7.15pm class and the Wednesday 7.30-8.45pm class feature more dynamic Sun Salutations and some more challenging poses and are therefore suitable for those who have been practising yoga for a while. 

The new half-term starts on Tuesday 7th January and runs up to and including Thursday 13th February.  

There are 6 classes in this half-term.  Fees are £60 (6 x £10) payable at or before your first class please.  You can bring cash in an envelope with your name on it or pay by Bank Transfer (Name: Thrive Yoga, Sort Code: 09-01-29, Account No: 07699081).

If you ever have to miss your class there is the opportunity to swap to another class within that current half-term, subject to availability.

Mats, blankets and other props are provided but do bring your own if you'd prefer. 

Wear comfortable stretchy clothing so that you can move easily and, as you may know, we practise in bare feet.

Don’t eat your evening meal just before class as it is really not good for your digestion or your comfort – leave at least an hour and a half, preferably more, between eating and practicing yoga.

Classes tend to start with a short breathing practice, followed by some warming-up poses. We then move on through some Sun Salutations and sequences of standing postures, followed by some seated and supine.  We always finish with a lovely relaxation and sometimes a short meditation at the end.


I hope that answers some questions that you may have but if you need to know anything else please email me at